Summit Spotlight: Vine City Resident Zane Brown

For 24 years – since January 22, 1993 to be exact – Zane Brown has been a proud resident of the Historic Westside. He’s also become a regular at the Westside Future Fund’s Transform Westside Summits.

Hear from Zane on why the first and third Fridays of the month are “can’t-miss” events and what he hopes for the future of the Westside.

  1. What brought you to the Westside?
    I was 1 year out of college, wanted to live in the city and wanted to buy a house instead of paying rent. I was drawn to the Westside because of its affordability, rich history and convenient proximity to the interstates, Downtown and Midtown Atlanta.
  2. When did you attend your first Summit and what was your impression?
    The first Summit I attended was at City of Refuge when Eloisa Klementich did a presentation from Invest Atlanta. I enjoyed the energy in the room and of course I loved seeing and hearing about all the improvements that had already taken place or were being planned!
  3. How did you find out about the Summits?
    I learned of the Summits from a neighbor.
  4. Why have you continued to attend? What keeps you coming back?
    I come back to be informed and inspired by all the well-intended government, philanthropic, corporate and entrepreneur shakers and movers that genuinely seem to want positive change for the Westside communities. It’s the positive energy which fuels the momentum of my hopes and dreams!Today’s [March 3] presentation by Goodie Nation was truly inspiring. An individual, inspiring many other individuals to really dream big by looking for solutions for the perceived problems that plague the human race! I loved it, taking an idea, brainstorming with the right collection of talented people then using technology to bring it into a short term developmental process and within days a collective, empowering, functional solution that can actually be acted upon! Wow!
  5. As a Westside resident, how have you benefited from the Summits?
    I feel more informed about all the changes that are going to take place in Castleberry Hill, English Avenue and Vine City. The Summits have also breathed new life back into my old hopes and dreams for the Westside. Those dreams were to live in an inclusive community of broad diversity that would honor the very hopes and dreams of Martin Luther King Jr. and so many other like-minded human beings!I encourage my neighbors to attend the Summits all the time!
  6. What is your hope for the Westside?
    My hope for the Westside is that it will become a renewed “birthplace” for civil and human rights that will not only sweep across the United States of America but will sweep across the planet like a breath of uncontrollable fresh air. My hope for the Westside is that it will emerge as an unexpected incubator where dreams meet no barriers, obstacles or walls and the most creative, inventive, mankind serving solutions are born and evolve form here!

Want to join Zane at our next Transform Westside Summit and get the latest on the Westside revitalization efforts?
Click here to register for our March 17 Summit, featuring Westside nonprofit Raising Expectations’ Community Youth Panel.