#TransformWestside Summit December Spotlight

Each month, we’ll feature a Q&A with a member of our Westside community. This month, meet Lizette Terry, a senior Comparative Women’s Studies major at the Atlanta University Center’s Spelman College. Lizette attended our Dec. 2 #TransformWestsideSummit meeting. Below she shares her thoughts on the Westside revitalization efforts, and why she loves living on the Westside!

Lizette Terry, Student, Spelman College

How long have you been attending the Westside Future Fund Summits?
This month’s meeting was my first.

Why did you decide to attend?
I recently learned that new developments were taking place in the Westside community that would greatly impact not only my neighborhood, but much of the Westside. I wanted to be a part of that discussion and learn more about what new constructions were underway.

What did you learn from attending the Summit?
Since this was my first meeting, I was only able to learn more about the United Way of Greater Atlanta. Their presentation about children experiencing homelessness in the Westside community was greatly impactful and telling of where the community’s vision for change needs to start.

I hope to attend more meetings to learn about the collaborations between the organizers and the community in an effort to bring awareness to the Atlanta University Center. I want to encourage more students to attend the meetings, because, after all, the Westside community is also our home.

What do you enjoy most about being a Westside resident?
What I love most about living on the Westside, specifically the Atlanta University Center in the West End, is that the culture and historical traditions of community are still intact. Also, I love being able to go around the community and learn about the different ways community members are walking in their purpose and passion to take care of one another. We understand that we need each other to grow and thrive as a community.