Transform Westside Summit — Friday, June 1, 2018
Opening Devotion: Malika Whitley, ChopArt
Featured Presentation: “Rebuilding the Westside: Westside Entrepreneurs Share Their ‘Westside Why’”
- Labriah Lee Holt of Sweetroots Hair Bar
- Winston Taylor of 960 MLK
- Zachary Wallace of Local Green Atlanta
- Moderated by Keitra Bates of Marddy’s Shared Kitchen
About the Transform Westside Summit: Westside Future Fund’s Transform Westside Summit is held on the 1st and 3rd Friday of each month and is free and open to the public. Our audience includes a diverse group of stakeholders. Longtime neighborhood residents, community and faith leaders, heads of non-profits, and corporate executives come together to share success stories and discuss challenges that currently affect our Westside neighborhoods.
Meetings begin promptly at 7:15 a.m. with morning devotion* presented by a member of the historic Westside community, and they include complimentary breakfast provided by Summit sponsor Chick-fil-A.
*Many in our community are driven by their spiritual faith to participate in the Westside revitalization effort. The time at the beginning of our meetings is an opportunity to share various inspirational reflections. While the speakers may articulate their personal faith, it is meant to be inclusive, inspiring, and meaningful. All are welcome.